Naomi Madelin Naomi Madelin

Your voice / Your personality

What does your voice say about you? Does it give away aspects of your personality you’d rather keep secret? Does it inspire trust, or make other’s worried?

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Naomi Madelin Naomi Madelin

The Good News About The Bad News

…next time something goes a wee bit awry in your day, try thinking 'What's the good news about this bad news?' There’s always a positive spin on bad news, and seeing that first puts your mind in a much better place to deal with the bad news part!

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Corporate Naomi Madelin Corporate Naomi Madelin

Audition for a Plumber

Could you pop over this morning and fix a portion of the leak I have so, for free, that I can see your workmanship please? If I like what you do with that small portion I'll give you the whole job and then pay you okay?

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Naomi Madelin Naomi Madelin

The one, the only, the voice of…

I was just working out how I was going to ask for the melon, and checking which coin was what so that I could hope to hand the right money over first time around,  when I heard a voice. A very English voice. A very distinctive English voice…

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Naomi Madelin Naomi Madelin

Tech support = YOU!

Being a voice-over artist is often more about admin and tech than about voicing. You're your own technical helpdesk and if you're not techy when you start - you have no option but to upskill. Fast!

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Naomi Madelin Naomi Madelin

Script to be kind…

Voice overs deliver kind writing best!

And we deliver it faster too.

Here are a few things you can do to help deliver an e-learning script for voice-over, that works off the page.

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Naomi Madelin Naomi Madelin

Longhand: Honouring Words

Are AI voices to real human voice artists as typing is to long hand? When we write with a pen the process is slower, we take time, perhaps find nuances that don’t come when we’re clacking away at a keyboard. However good an AI voice, I think it’s a long time before they can replace the spirit of a real, connected human voice.

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Naomi Madelin Naomi Madelin

Halloween voice over fun

Creating characters, playing with accents, mixing sound and effects - part of a day’s work for a voice over artist!

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Naomi Madelin Naomi Madelin

What is ‘RP’?

Received Pronunciation (RP) is the accent traditionally regarded as the standard for British English.

No, the Queen of England does not speak with an RP accent! Although her unique way of speaking has mellowed over the years, it’s a far cry from ‘Received Pronounciation’.

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