Free Printable - Hydration Reminders!

Voice artists need to drink A LOT of water. It’s absolutely essential that we retain a good level of hydration otherwise when we record you get a whole heap of icky mouth noise messing up your voiceover.

When it’s just a little bit you might not notice, but when it’s a lot - you will!

Unfortunately for voice artists, we notice every little pop and click we make. But the good news about this for our voiceover clients is that it means we’re not only committed to providing clean audio, it’s a compulsion.

So I’ve made myself a sheet of six hydration reminders and I’m sharing it below as a free printable.

Of course it’s not only voice artists who need to be hydrated - everyone needs water. And nearly every single one of us doesn’t drink enough of it.

I’m water bore. I go on at my children All The Time about drinking water.

They still don’t drink enough.

So I decided to switch out the motivational quotes we have up in our kitchen with some hydration information.

In fact I plan to up the ante on these ‘drink water’ reminders until they are literally all over our house. Until the kids actually start taking proper responsibility for their hydration!

They are going to hate me. But if it means they start drinking more, then I can live with that!

This free printable of six quotes, or rather statements, about hydration are just the first six. Stay tuned for the next instalment!

Six printable quotes about hydration

Click to download as .pdf


Your voice / Your personality


The Good News About The Bad News