Your voice / Your personality

What does your voice say about you?

Is it giving away your deepest, darkest secrets?!

Do you ever listen to your own voice objectively (if that's even really possible)?

Voice/Personality Research

An international research team led by the University of Göttingen has found that people express aspects of their personality with their voice.

Interestingly, the researchers found that a lower pitched voice is associated with individuals who are more dominant and more extrovert - this was as true for women as for men.

2000 participants from different countries took part in the study. The data collected also provided ratings of dominance and other character traits such as neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness. BUT phew! They weren't able to show that voice pitch was associated specifically with any of these traits.

Tone not Pitch

What is more telling is whether we sound warm, interested, sad, nervous. And that can be less about pitch than about tone and delivery. Somethat that voice artists have to take into consideration with every job!

Whether it’s pitch, tone, a croaky throat or a touch of vocal fry, how we are perceived by others very much includes how we use our voice.

So next time you have an important phone call or meeting, maybe it's worth recording yourself and trying to listen objectively to how you sound vs how you want to sound.

Vocal Care

We take care what we wear, we wash our face, comb our hair - have it cut, trim our nails…. But how often do we stop and take care of our voice?

What do you think?


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