The one, the only, the voice of…

It was in Amboise market In France's Loire Valley. I'd decided to buy a melon. It was melon season so there were stalls selling almost nothing but melons! Lots of choice.

At the time my French was acceptable at a basic level. I could ask directions, but not always catch the answer (I always hope the asked will point, then I can walk that way until I reach a junction, and ask someone else, until I get there!). So I was lurking near the stall working out how I was going to ask for the melon, and checking which euro coin was what so that I could hope to hand the right money over first time around, when I heard a voice. A very English voice. A very distinctive English voice that I recognised in a heartbeat.

Jagger! I said to myself, and spun in the voice's direction.


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Heart stopping

My heart stopped for a moment. Then started beating slightly erratically.

I reached for my phone to take a photograph.

Jagger! Buying melons! Near ME!

Buying melons. Largish fellows accompanying him. Just… buying melons in a market.

I slipped my phone back in my pocket. Taking a photo felt too invasive.


But where the heck was my family when they needed to be nearby? Where were they, so that my often shameless husband could get a photo of me with Mick Jagger, and our melons?

Short story

No need to make this short story long. I  Followed Mick with my eyes and when he was far enough away that I didn’t feel intrusive I snapped a photo. My family reappeared and the husband at least was star struck like me. The kids needed at bit of Jagger-du-cation - they had no idea, though the excitement definltely rubbed off. The fact that ‘someone mega famous’ was in the same market was just THRILLING.

It’s him, honest!

It’s him, honest!

My husband, never one to hold back, commented to various stallholders that Mick Jagger was in the market. They nonchalantly shrugged. Turned out Mick owns a chateau, L a Forchette, in the area. In fact I've heard he's sitting out Covid there. Good plan!

So, just a short post with a little tale about a big voice.

As always, if you have voice over needs please Contact Me for a free custom demo and a quote.


I originally dictated this blog post on my phone. Clearly I had the language set to English. The iPhone doesn't cope very will with foreign words thrown at it in an English setting. Mick Jagger's chateau 'La Forchette' was charmingly re-named "Laughter Shit". Gave me a good laugh anyway!


Voiceover for ecommerce


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